Posted by on Nov 19, 2015 in Health | Comments Off on Dry mouth lozenges


dry mouth lozengesDry mouth occurs when the salivary glands don’t produce as much saliva to keep your mouth moist. Dry mouth has a variety of causes, from medication side effects to infections and diseases. Some people get dry mouth once in a while due to high stress levels, but if you think you might suffer from dry mouth it’s important to consult your doctor and figure out the cause so you can find the best treatment, such as dry mouth lozenges, so you have a healthy mouth.

If a medication is to blame for your dry mouth, your doctor might be able to prescribe you a different medication without dry mouth as a side effect, or might be able to lower your dosage.

Treatment of dry mouth

  • See your dentist regularly. Dry mouth increases your risk for oral infections and diseases, so seeing your dentist at least twice a year for exams and cleanings can keep your mouth healthy. Your dentist might even be able to recommend a fluoride treatment. Seeing your dentist can also help you avoid gum disease, tooth decay, and infections like thrush that can be brought on by dry mouth.
  • Perform oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice a day or more can offset dental problems because of dry mouth. Be sure to brush after each meal and before bedtime, as well as floss regularly. Use a toothpaste with fluoride and avoid any with peroxide or alcohol, which is drying. You can also try a mouthwash or rinse with fluoride.
  • Keep an eye on your mouth. Monitor your mouth for any infections or pain. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, be sure to see your dentist.
  • Avoid sugary food and drinks. Sticky and sugary foods along with acidic beverages can dry out your mouth.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help combat dry mouth.
  • Drink while eating. Drinking water or sugar free drinks while eating and help with digestion, making it more comfortable to eat.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These can act as a diuretic and further dehydrate your mouth. Avoiding caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and acidic drinks and help diminish dry mouth.
  • Hydrate your lips. Your lips can crack because of dry mouth, so it’s important to use lip balm to keep your lips hydrated.
  • Use a humidifier. Adding moisture back into the air while you sleep can help keep your mouth moist as well. This can also keep your nasal passages from drying, so you don’t breathe through your mouth which can cause dry mouth.
  • Use salivary stimulants. When you have dry mouth, you can use a few things to keep it moist. Dry mouth lozenges have been known to help. Sucking on sugar free lozenges can stimulate your salivary glands, and help promote a wet mouth. Chewing sugar free gum and sucking on other types of candies can also help.
    • Types of dry mouth lozenges include: mini mints, Ricochet fruit sours and mints, Spry mints, Thayers sugar free dry mouth lozenges, TheraMints, and so on.
  • Saliva substitutes. Artificial saliva products can help if your salivary glands have been damaged and other remedies aren’t helping. Speak with your doctor about your best options.